My Novel, The Joining, has just finished in the finals of the Canadian Book Club Awards

My Novel, The Joining has made the last three Finalists. 
Out of several hundred entries, The Joining, has finished in the three finalists of the Canadian Club Book Awards. Winner will be announced Dec 30th.
Out of several hundred entries, The Joining, has finished in the three finalists of the Canadian Club Book Awards. Winner will be announced Dec 30th.

I posted this new review and as mentioned was worried about using it. Out of all of the responses I got this one below from April Wolfgong. April thank you very much for taking the time and effort to reply. She said I could use it as well.
Frank  Talaber

Your book was a rollercoaster ride thorough my emotions which, when I got off, left me stunned and breathless.
Your portrayal of sociopaths and the criminal mind in the pursuit of the sexually willing was so disturbing I had nightmares and had to set the novel aside for days. But the writing was so compelling I had to finish it, and I’m glad I persevered.
I literally cheered “go get them!” when Charlie used his protectors to deal rather uniquely with the antagonists.
I was enlightened to the Native spiritual culture which pleased me for which I now have a greater understanding and respect.
Carol G.

Dear Frank,
I’m glad that you decided to publish it. I see where you would have that dilemma. Books in this genre are meant to scare us and “cause” nightmares. 
Just think about how many nightmares Steven King has caused his readers over the years. I for one cannot read his books because they bore me, I think he puts in way too much detail and doesn’t leave enough room for our own imagination. I love the movies and TV shows based on his books.
For me, I love the adrenaline rush I get from reading a book that scares the crap out of me. You know, the ones that have you screaming to the characters in your head or out loud. It also tells me that the author did his or her job by getting me emotionally involved. I give up on books if I don’t feel something, no matter what that feeling is.
I think that most fiction authors want to take their readers to another place and time. As a reader, I want the author to take me to their world. I was to see what they see, experience what they experience, smell, feel, hear and breathe what they are, as best as I can anyway.
I hope that you can one day see, that causing someone nightmares, is a complement. I hope you can see it as doing a terrific job at making the story come to life for someone other than yourself. Please follow your heart always when it comes to your writing. God gave you these stories so that you can share them with others.
Have a truly blessed and productive day!
With much gratitude for writers like you,
April Wolfgong

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